KIX96 Country Showdown: Supplied Audio & Back Line

KIX96 welcomes all musicians to the Savannah edition of the Country Showdown! Below you will find a list of supplied audio and back line for this years event.

If you or your band requires more that what is provided below, it is your responsibility as a band, or solo act to provide.

Yamaha DSR112 12×2 Bi-Amp Powered Monitor 4
Ultimate Speaker Stand 2
X 32 Compact Audio Mixing Console
Shure SM58 Microphone with Stand 4
Direct Box (for acoustic guitar & keyboard 2)

5 Piece Drum Kit w/ Cymbals & Stands 1
Ampeg 410 Bass Cabinet 1
Ampeg SVT450 Bass Head 1
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Guitar Amp 1