Sponsored by OC Welch

KIX96 and OC Welch are proud to announce our partnership with Renegade Paws Rescue to help Savannah area dogs get adopted to their loving and forever homes!

- Diet Dew (aka Dewie, dew dew head, Mr. Dewie Monster) is the picture perfect dog – just a boy happy to be involved! He will bring you his favorite toy and greet you with the BIIIIGEST stretch and hug combination when you get home… who doesn’t want that sweetness?!
Dewie is the dog that can do it all! He is up for 30 minutes of fetch & a long walk around the neighborhood or he is happy to snuggle up (and i mean SNUGGLE UP) for hours while you binge your favorite show.
There is not a dog on this planet Dewie isn’t best friends with! He has not met children yet, but given his loving & happy demeanor i think he would do great! His foster dog siblings crawl and step all over him, even while he’s asleep, and he doesn’t so much as flinch. When you snuggle with him, you can smoosh him, squish him, make him do a little arm dance, and smother him w kisses and he loves it all! Would just maybe recommend older kids in case he tries to give them a hug so he doesn’t knock the itty bitty’s down!
Dewie is FAMOUS for his leaps! Let him outside in the yard with a toy and he will play fetch with himself and leap around for an hour – happy as the boy could possibly be!
Dewie sleeps like a perfect angel through the night in his crate, though his foster mom recommends his cuddles in the big bed.
Dewie is crate trained, potty trained, and is walking well on a leash w his foster pack!
Meet Dewie and fall in love with him like his foster family did!
If you have any questions about the Rescue of the Week, please contact Renegade Paws Rescue at [email protected]
Adopt/Foster —-> DIET DEW
The KIX96 Rescue of the Week is sponsored by OC Welch