VOTE! Your Voice Matters – Georgia

Georgia Voter Registration Information

Register Online – Click here for online voter registration

  • Requires GA DL/ID#

Register by mail, email, fax – Download a voter registration formcomplete it, and return it to your county board of voter registration by mail, fax, or email.

Who Can Register?

To register to vote you must:

  • Be a citizen of the United States
  • Be a legal resident of the county
  • Be at least 17 1/2 years of age to register and 18 years of age to vote
  • Not be serving a sentence for conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude
  • Have not been found mentally incompetent by a judge

When can I register?

You must be registered at least 30 days prior to any election in order to vote in that election.

Photo ID

  • You will need to show photo ID to vote in Georgia. Acceptable forms include: any valid state or federal government issued photo ID, including a free ID card issued by your county registrar’s office or the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS); Georgia driver’s license, even if expired; valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency, or entity of the US Government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority or other entity of this state; valid US passport ID; valid US military photo ID; student photo ID card issued by a Georgia public college, university, or technical school; or a valid tribal photo ID.
  • Voters without ID: If you are unable to provide ID, you will be able to vote a provisional ballot. If you are a first-time voter, you will need to provide a copy of your ID within three days after the election to your County Board of Elections and Registration. As long as you do so, your provisional ballot will be counted, as long as you are otherwise eligible to vote.

Absentee Voting


Georgia law allows for absentee by mail ballots to be requested up to 180 days before an election.  To request an absentee ballot, voters should complete an absentee ballot application and return the absentee ballot application to their county registration office.  Absentee ballot applications can be returned by mail, fax, email (as an attachment), or in-person to the local County Board of Registrar’s Office.

Click here to Register for Your Secured Absentee Ballot

Click here to view a fillable PDF of the Georgia Application for Official Absentee Ballot 

Click here to locate the contact information for your County Board of Registrar’s Office


Georgia law provides three weeks of in-person early voting in regularly scheduled primaries and elections. Click here for early voting locations and times in your county.

Check Your Vote

You can look up your voter registration record and verify that your information is correct using Georgia’s voter registration lookup tool.

Locate your polling place by logging into the Secretary of State’s My Voter Page.